If you have children, at some point you have been the victim of them taking your phone and filling it with goofy, hijacked selfies.
I have actually witnessed people getting very upset about this and I have wondered why this harmless act is so distressing for people and I think I might know why.
It doesn’t have a damn thing to do with using up space on someone’s phone or the hassle of sitting and deleting often 100’s of pictures.
It does have something to do with taking ourselves and our lives too seriously all the time. We are addicted to our stressed out, overly serious, oh so responsible lives. We like to keep that addiction going so we get upset when someone tries to interrupt our addictive patterns.
Do you think our children (or friends) are trying to make you mad and upset when they take those goofy pictures on your phone?
I highly doubt it.
They are just having fun.
To quote Scooby-Doo when he is face to face with his reality…“Ruh Roh!”
It is your reaction to this distraction that gets you mad and upset, not the act itself. When you see these pictures it interrupts your “normal” stressed out routine of life and since you are addicted to that life, you quickly abandon the smile and momentary relief from stress (you can’t help but laugh at some of those poses!) and find a way to return to your oh so comfortable stress.
An interruption in life like this is meant to remind you to lighten up, have fun and maybe even laugh for a moment.
Life is stressful enough without us becoming addicted to it and creating even more stress.
Go grab your phone and post a hijacked selfie in the comment section on social media!
Bet you are smiling, even if it is only for a moment 🙂